»The Association of audiovisual producers of Slovenia was founded in 2016, under the name original name Slovenian Producers Association, and has until now more than 60 members who are professionally engaged in audiovisual production. Our primary goal is to bring together filmmakers and raise professional standards and quality of work in various fields, from film production to production of TV-series and commercials. We are committed to the development and protection of the AV industry in Slovenia, and act through various sections that operate independently and in accordance with the vision and development trends of the international AV industry. One of our cornerstone are younger producers at the beginning of their professional career, that are active in the Emerging producers section.« Andrej Štritof, president
02 TV
Andrej Štritof, predsednik
Tomi Matič, podpredsednik
Zala Opara, članica
Kolja Saksida, član
Peter Bratuša, član
Boštjan Virc
Marina Gumzi
Jure Vizjak
Zoran Dževerdanović, nadomestni
Andraž Jerič
Eva Tomazin
Žan Žveplan
Tina Glavič Novak, nadomestna
Andrej Štritof 2019–
Miha Černec 2016–2019
Andrej Štritof, predsednik
Boštjan Virc, podpredsednik
Tilen Ravnikar, član (do 11. 11. 2020)
Peter Bratuša, član
Tomi Matič, član
Zala Opara, članica (od 11. 11. 2020)
Nastja Minik Kotnik
Katja Lenarčič
Anja Vrdlovec
Jerca Jerič
Andraž Jerič
Eva Tomazin
Žan Žveplan
Tina Glavič Novak
Boštjan Virc
Aleš Pavlin
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Društvo avdiovizualnih producentov Slovenije, Kersnikova ulica 12, 1000 Ljubljana / or to our email address: davp.informacije@davp.si